Project Description

Bubbles And Bruises
I see Bubbles & Bruises as an exploration of the ephemeral intersection of two naturally occurring brief moments in time. Finding the commonality between these two worlds was a delight. Both exist spectacularly in a range of refracted colors and rupturing is a part of their existence: the beginning rupture of blood vessels leading to the bloom of color under the skin and the rupture of the bubble itself as the ending. Using materials for their transparency and iridescence, the costumes highlighted the tender playfulness of the piece. The bubbles the dancers wore on their limbs appeared midway through the dance; a reminder that like bubbles and bruises, dance is an artform that exists in the moments where all of the conditions are just right.
Choreographer: Shamel Pitts
Lighting Design: Ebony Burton
Costume Design: Megan Rutherford
Venue: Jack Crystal Theatre
Company: Second Avenue Dance Company, New York University